
Under the philosophy of “Healthy Beekeeping,” Sugi Bee Garden strives to preserve a sustainable global environment.

Sugi Bee Garden Logo

It is said that Einstein once remarked, “If the bee disappeared off the face of the Earth, man would only have four years left to live.” Various plants bear fruit richly thanks to the pollination by honeybees, making them essential to our diet. Sugi Bee Garden is committed to preserving a healthy natural environment where bees can thrive.

We deliver honey, a natural resource, with the highest quality, aiming to improve and enhance our customers’ lives.

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Goal 1

Primary Industry (Beekeeping)

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To protect the natural environment where honeybees can live healthily, Sugi Bee Garden distributes lotus seeds for free to farmers and conducts reforestation. Additionally, we lend honeybees to farmers to create an environment where all living creatures can thrive through bee pollination.

Goal 2

Secondary Industry (Manufacturing)

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We use clean energy at our factory equipped with solar panels to produce high-quality products. We also create environmentally-friendly products using materials certified by the international FSC system, which aims for sustainable forest use and conservation.

Goal 3

Tertiary Industry (Sales)

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We have a 100% acquisition rate for maternity and childcare leave. After returning, employees can use a short-time work system to balance childcare and career while continuing to hold management positions. We also support employees’ learning motivation with a qualification acquisition promotion system and e-learning.

A Bright Future with Honeybees

Future 1


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Through recurrent education, such as skill-up education and qualification acquisition support systems, we aim to create an environment where employees can continue to work even after retirement. Furthermore, driven by the passion to “contribute to the beauty and health of our customers” since our foundation, we support various sports events and encourage employees who work towards health improvement through sports.

Future 2

Global Challenge: From Japan to the World

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We have established a local subsidiary in New Zealand and aim to improve beekeeping technology across borders with overseas beekeepers. We are also expanding our stores overseas in countries such as Singapore, Thailand, Hong Kong, and Vietnam. While cooperating with local companies in each country, we propose products to our customers with the aim of improving their lives.