Hiroshima Prefecture SUGI BEE GARDEN Miyajima Store

589-6 Miyajimacho, Hatsukaichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture

TEL: 0829-44-1338

business hours
usually 9:00AM~5:30PM
12/17, 18 Closed Day

*Business hours may vary depending on the season. Please call us for details.
*On the last weekday of the month, we will close 30 minutes earlier than usual due to inventory.

Access to the storeAccess to the store

Get off at JR Miyajimaguchi Station → 6 minutes walk to the ferry terminal →
Take the ferry bound for Miyajima from Miyajimaguchi Pier, about 10 minutes
10 minutes walk from Miyajima Pier towards Itsukushima Shrine (to the right)

Message from the ManagerMessage from the Manager

Miyajima, with its ancient history and abundant nature, is a scenic spot that is counted among the Three Most Scenic Views of Japan. Itsukushima Shrine, a World Heritage Site, and many other temples and shrines, as well as legendary historical sites, are some of its attractions. Take the 10-minute ferry from Miyajimaguchi to Miyajima, where you will be greeted by deer. If you visit the atmospheric Miyajima, be sure to stop by our restaurant.

Photo gallery of SUGI BEE GARDEN Miyajima store