Saitama Prefecture, Koshigaya City, Lake Town 3-1-1, Lot No. 1226
business hours |
usually | 10:00AM~9:00PM |
12/31 | 10:00AM~8:00PM |
1/1, 2, 3 | 9:00AM~9:00PM |
*Business hours are the same as AEON Lake Town.
Access to the store
☆Trains and buses☆
[From Yokohama]
◯JR Keihin Tohoku Line bound for Omiya, change at Minami-Urawa Station
△JR Musashino Line bound for Tokyo, get off at Koshigaya Laketown Station
Duration: Approximately 1 hour 40 minutes
[From Shinagawa]
◯JR Keihin Tohoku Line bound for Omiya, change at Minami-Urawa Station
△JR Musashino Line bound for Tokyo, get off at Koshigaya Laketown Station
Duration: Approximately 1 hour and 10 minutes
【from Tokyo】
◯JR Keihin Tohoku Line bound for Omiya, change at Minami-Urawa Station
△JR Musashino Line bound for Tokyo, get off at Koshigaya Laketown Station
Duration: Approximately 56 minutes
[From Shinjuku]
□ JR Saikyo Line bound for Kawagoe, transfer at Musashi-Urawa Station
◯JR Musashino Line bound for Tokyo, get off at Koshigaya Laketown Station
Duration: Approximately 52 minutes
[Free shuttle bus]
A free shuttle bus operates between JR Koshigaya Laketown Station and AEON Laketown Mori.