383 Shimofukumae, Takaoka City, Toyama Prefecture, 1F, 1026th block
business hours |
usually | 10:00AM~9:00PM |
12/31 | 10:00AM~6:00PM |
1/1, 2, 3 | 9:00AM~9:00PM |
1/14~2/28 | 10:00AM~8:00PM |
*Business hours are based on AEON Mall Takaoka. Please contact us by phone for details.
*Opening hours vary depending on the season.
Access to the store
5 minutes walk from JR Shin-Takaoka Station
Message from the Manager
How about a honey soft serve ice cream or a honey drink to recharge your energy after shopping or walking around the mall? What's more, on movie ticket stubs and customer appreciation days, honey soft serve ice cream is 50 yen off, making it a great deal! We also have "beehives" available, which we can provide because we are beekeepers. Why not treat yourself to a little luxury and just take a bite with a spoon? SUGI BEE GARDEN, which has healthy honey, is located on the first floor of the West Building. Please come and try it.
SUGI BEE GARDEN Aeon Mall Takaoka Store Photo Gallery